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The Elijah
School of Prophetic Expansion
A botched
How did the Prophet's Miss it
A Prophet is a political figure, not a religious one. Jezebel was a politician, not just a witch. What happened in 2020 should be the concern of every Prophet. It has nothing to do with what political party you are aligned with but a hunger and thirst for the truth and God's will. This is probably one of the most significant works I have ever written.
In the mid-2000s, I was at a Christian conference and one of the speakers worked on Capital Hill. He gave an altar call to everyone who felt God was calling them to run for office. To my surprise, the altar was full of weeping men and women. This is my perspective I hope it brings clarity and perspective. Let us all love the nation God has called us to.
Numbers 12:6
What If
I am A Prophet?
In this new era of Christianity, the prophetic army has been deployed with boots on the ground. Every sphere of influence will be impacted. Prophets are crucial in this hour as free speech and Christianity are under attack. The word of God declares in Amos 3:7, “Indeed, the Sovereign LORD never does anything until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets.” It's imperative now we create healthy, vibrant, thriving, prophetic communities that can discern the timing and movement of Heaven’s Government. Satan’s number one assignment is to silence your voice, My mandate is to help you heal from emotional trauma, execute your prophetic assignment, and define your prophetic jurisdiction. It’s time to manage your mantle; your life matters, your mission matters, your voice matters, your message matters, and you were born for such a time as this.
I am excited you stopped by. I quit my corporate job almost five years ago to help create a platform for God's people to HEAL. Being a corporate mentor and coach for one of the largest Healthcare Organizations in the country helped me find my passion. Work with Yvonne one-on-one. These sessions are designed to help you identify roadblocks and barriers to your success and spiritual progress. The goal is to help you repurpose your life and build a strategic personal development plan. Rachel Naomi says, "Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn’t you – all of the expectations, all of the beliefs – and becoming who you are.”