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Prophetic Patriot: The rebirth of America and the rise of Trump

Updated: Feb 8

Our nation has been through a catastrophic overhaul, it’s almost unrecognizable. For decades people have been put in key positions; city by city, county by county, and state by state to execute and push Satan's agenda. Ousting Trump was the enemy's greatest mistake because it slammed open the coffers of government corruption in every sector. I believe where Christians have missed it is not engaging on the political front en masse. Jezebel, the political tyrannist, not the witch, has been unleashed, and if we are not careful her daughter Athiliah is running full speed behind her. It's time to answer the call of Jehu. If God is calling you to engage in the Political arena, it's time to answer the call.

Our allegiances, personally and professionally, are going to be crucial, so don't be alarmed when people you thought would walk with you forever are suddenly gone. Your right to vote, in person, is your greatest asset and many of us must understand that this is not the Democratic Party of our parents, This is something completely different and diabolical. It is a regime of God-hating, Christian-bashing, entitled Satan worshippers who are bitter; Bitterness is rotting their souls, so they are going to make everyone else pay for their misery. This battle now, is on the celestial plane where demonic powers and spirits, that rule nations, are trying to impose their will on God’s Kingdom and we know who wins! Jesus said, “I saw Satan fall like lightning (Luke 10:18).

Things are being exposed and laws are being crafted that would cause the average American to shudder in fear. The American family is under grave assault. But the enemy overplayed his hand. He thought COVID would silence the Prophets and make the citizens cower. This attack instead, has unleashed prophetic retribution, unlike anything we have ever seen. It was sent to silence our voices, but God’s Prophets are shouting from the rooftops revival, reformation, recovery! They are refusing to cower at the enemy's threats.

Satan is a counterfeit who will always try to mimic what God has planned. He roams in and out of the courts of Heaven to get prophetic intel. As an angel, He still has access to the courts. Job 1:6-7 says, “One day when the angels came to report to God, Satan, who was the Designated Accuser, came along with them. God singled out Satan and said, “What have you been up to? “Satan answered God, “Going here and there, checking things out on earth.” Many in the Body of Christ are poised for the greatest end-time transfer of wealth the church has ever seen. The warfare on your job is to distract you and get you offended. But as our nation recovers, we are headed for one more big bump; Turbulence can be unpredictable.

I just had The Deborah and Esther Conference 2024 and what an outpouring of the Holy Spirit! An uncommon theme of Esther is after her sacrifice and obedience she became, in today’s economy, a multi-billionaire overnight. The King rewarded her with the entire house of Haman, which included land, goods, servants, livestock, and all the money he had in his treasury (Esther 8:1). God has not forgotten your obedience and your labors of love. This is a season of compensation and recompense, don’t get weary, don't get offended, don’t get out of position, and don’t believe the lies of the enemy. Every battle was necessary, and every wound was worth it! The Lord is rewarding your obedience. What you have done in secret will not be ignored by the Heavenly Host. They have been commissioned to go and gather your spoil. Decree what the Lord has promised and put your angels to work! Let your faith rise! Recompense is coming to God's people, and the next regime of Prophets is up at bat.

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Curtis D. Guyton
Curtis D. Guyton
Jun 06, 2023

Amen! Great blog post, God bless you Prophetess Camper


Valerie Carter
Valerie Carter
Jun 06, 2023

Why you supporting a narcissist. This man is so corrupt. God has been speaking and Trump is not no savior he called division and hatred. Yes corruption is everywhere but it is being revealed at all levels. Trump and his KKK leaders needed to go. We need to go back to trusting God and my God has never forsaken me. Be careful on speaking false information. People trust God and not people who called themselves prophets: God is a jealous God when man or woman but Trump before him I knew Trump was not a man of God. He will not be the only politician or famous person there will be many for what they have done and continue to…

Valerie Carter
Valerie Carter
Jun 09, 2023
Replying to

All I will see is God gave Pharoah every opportunity to change his ways and he never did. I’m not saying don’t pray for all leaders but when a person is not willing to change you have to give it to God,

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