In the late ’70s, there was an oil crisis and gas was being rationed. I remember you could only go to the gas station on designated days based on your license plate. This sparked a slew of nocturnal thieves that would siphon gas out of other people's cars. The Holy Spirit showed me that there is an oil crisis in the spirit! Many in the Body of Christ are so lazy in their Christian disciplines their only recourse is to siphon gas out of other people’s spiritual tanks. Like barnacles on a ship people have attached themselves to you without you even being conscious of it and you wonder why you feel so depleted.
One of the reasons people have been able to siphon gas out of you is that you are parked. You cannot siphon gas out of a moving vehicle. Some of you have parked on God concerning your purpose. You are frustrated, you are exhausted, you got hurt, you got disillusioned and GOD needs you to get moving and pick up your mantle again! This is a serious matter and could have a far-reaching impact.
At the word of the Lord, I was mentoring a young prophet about five years ago. He was extremely gifted, anointed, and impactful. But he was exhausted, disillusioned with the ministry, and hurt by church leaders. The Lord told me to cover him for a period of three months because the enemy was systematically trying to kill him. I reached out to him on Facebook and our face-to-face sessions began. My first question to him was, "How is your heart?" It doesn't matter how anointed you are, you are human. His last text to me was, “I am exhausted.”
Disillusioned, hurt, connected to the wrong people, and exhausted he walked out of a church service and got hit by a car, and died at the scene. It was by far one of the hardest days of my life, we were scheduled to meet the following day. A friend said to me, “He was on Hospice when he got to you.” It’s time for a check-up, where are you in Christ? How are you feeling? Do you need to take a break? Don’t let it get too late. Don’t push yourself so far to the edge that you can’t return. The biggest lesson I learned is that the enemy will deceive you into thinking you don’t matter, and your life is not impacting people. It’s a lie! His funeral was packed from wall to wall with over 2500 people coming out to celebrate his life and ministry. His parents did not even know who their son was, If only he knew. You are important and valuable to the Kingdom and don't let the enemy convince you otherwise.
This season, I am reevaluating my friend pool and restructuring my prophetic output. If I can’t remember how I met, you or where we connected then that is a signal to me that the connection may not have been divinely inspired. The people that God has placed in my life I can remember exactly when, why, and where we connected. I have learned people don’t always connect with honorable intentions because envy masquerades itself as interest. This doesn’t make a person bad but broken. And it can make them a portal in which the enemy can operate later, many times without their knowledge. Satan is an opportunist and patient. It takes one encounter or event to shift and turn the tide. I remember a prophet told me concerning a very close friend and business partner that I had some years ago, “She can do more harm where you are going than where you are at.
WAKE UP! Things are swiftly moving in the spirit and God is shifting the atmosphere around you and silencing the contrary winds. This will be the work of the Holy Spirit, not the flesh, all you have to do is cooperate and make the minor adjustments the Holy Spirit is directing you to make. Many of you were and are connected to people who lift you up in public but slander you in private. God is changing your friend pool and purifying your Kingdom
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