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7 Reasons You Need to Start Right Now!

Updated: Sep 6, 2023

In 2019 the Lord instructed me to write and record Assume the Position, 30 – days to possessing your promise. My biggest takeaway was, “Satan wants you to die with your baby inside of you? We have weathered some difficult times over the last couple of years, but I believe windows of great opportunity are being opened up for the Body of Christ and we have to be ready. The last six months of this year are going to be crucial.

There are 7 reasons you need to start right now!

  • Your voice needs to be heard.

  • The transfer of wealth is upon us.

  • There are people waiting to hear what you have to say.

  • You were born for this.

  • It’s an act of obedience.

  • God wants to prosper you.

  • Your story needs to be told.

On that note, I am so excited to launch my second signature e-course called PUT IT ON PAPER. So, what is PUT IT ON PAPER (Habakkuk 2:2), it is the blueprint for your next act. It is a STEP-BY-STEP e-course created to help you build an online presence through media, create intellectual property, and monetize your brand; Whether you have a book, a product, a business, or a ministry you need to be online and you need to show up as a professional. This is 5 years in the making. If you have followed me for any amount of time, I have released several courses over the years; but last year I took a step back to see what the primary reasons people were coming to me. And also, to re-examine some prophetic words spoken to me over the last decade.

Media experts say we are in the middle of 5th generation warfare which is our culture is being bombarded by media. This bombardment is producing systemic fear, anxiety, and depression. That is why your message and voice matter even more. I love Psalms 68:11, it says, “The Lord gave the word: Great was the company of those that published it.” The Greek word for publish literality means “to go to war” – Your words and your voice are strategic warfare. The National Religious Broadcasting Organization says 67% of all church-going Christians listen to some form of media regularly and 141 million watch or listen to it monthly. That’s a huge audience.

When the Lord directed me to quit my six-figure corporate job and write a book I never imagined I would end up where I am today. I have become a micro-influencer (12,000+ followers across all platforms) and built two non-profits, an LLC, and a publishing company with 50 books under my belt. I have recorded 227 YouTube videos and podcasts with over 302,904 views and 48,021 hours watched. I have trained over 300+ people through my e-courses globally. It has been a great journey that has required all the faith I could rally. The secret sauce was not brilliance but obedience, faith, and consistency. It's time to put your hands to the plow. Procrastination is habitual and will rob you of your destiny. In my morning devotion, I was reading Proverbs 10:4-5 (CJB), “Idle hands bring poverty; diligent hands bring wealth. A sensible person gathers in the summer but he who sleeps during harvest is an embarrassment.”

You are not wrestling with God as much as He is wrestling with you!

Stay tuned for launch information.

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