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You Were Made For War

The Holy Spirit has been impressing in the fibers of my soul that so many Christians are sitting on the sidelines watching the game or are on the injured reserve list. Christianity is more offensive than it is defensive. We are in the business of gaining ground and advancing on enemy territory. The gates of Hell cannot and will not prevail against you!

You have been made and equipped for War. The early Saints understood that church was an army not a club. David, the psalmist wrote, “Praise be the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle, (Psalms 144:1, NIV)" Christianity is not passive but aggressive. It’s time to apprehend the promises of God spoken over your life.

One of the greatest revelations I have ever received is that I am seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Because my life is hidden in Him (Colossians 3:3), when He died I died, when He resurrected I did too, when He ascended far above principalities and powers I ascended with Him, When He sat down at the right hand of the Father I took my seat!

I am not subject to the enemies assaults, people’s accusations, witchcraft, sorcery, voodoo, hexes, curses, failure or defeat because Jesus released all authority and power into my hands to overcome!

I am walking in my delegated authority regardless of the obstacles and the attacks. I am not throwing prayers up to heaven I am seated in Christ praying from the throne room down and demonic forces have to obey me. I am absolutely confident in Him, clothed in righteousness, anointed from on high, secure in my eternal salvation and walking in preimminant authority.

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